Hey Everyone!
So there's a racquetball court right down the road from us here, and Jeremy and Carlos play every weekend. Jeremy wants to teach me how, so last Sunday night I came with them. Suffice it to say that there is much work to be done before I am a decent player. My main problem seems to be that I'm afraid of balls, and also loud noises. That's pretty much racquetball in a nutshell, right there. However, the boys are being very easy with me to start.
Jeremy, my self-appointed Racquetball Tutor, wants me to do research on racquetball and come up with ten facts about the game, including where I found the facts. Who assigns a bibliography for racquetball homework?? This is yet another chance to weild power over the Evil Tutor, I just know it. But he is trying to help me.
It seems I never use the racquetball muscles, because ever since Sunday my right forearm has been sore and also trembles if I so much as pick up a frying pan with that hand. Hopefully this will decrease as I get better and better at the game (note my confidence!). And no, I will not, ever, be putting up videos of me playing the game. There is a limit to how embarrassed I am prepared to be.
Love to all,
PS - Prayer request: I'm having more trouble breathing lately, if you all could pray that we find out why, and how to fix that, it would be great!
Sounds like bibliographies are his way of tricking you into associating raquetball with warm, comforting things like books, rather than terrifying things like balls and loud noises!
Jeremy, we're counting on you to take a secret video of Rachael playing raquetball.
racquetball!!!! way to go rach!!! i played once...in austria...it was a hilarious experience and i was completely terrible. but hey, good luck. :)
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