Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday in Copacabana


Celina and Janelle and I just got back from a wonderful, relaxing trip to Copacabana - just three Canadian gringas taking a holiday. We stayed in the gorgeous hostel that I'd stayed in last year with the Vargas family, and it was even nicer than I remembered.

Our main goal in going was to sway in the hammocks overlooking Lake Titicaca and read books, but just so that we didn't feel totally lazy, we climbed up Copacabana's Calvary. It's a very steep hill with markers for the stations of the cross, and boy, do you get exhausted from climbing up there! But the view is totally worth it.

Everything went off without a hitch, except for when our bus got to the part of the journey where we had to cross part of the lake. All the passengers get off the bus and take a short motor-launch trip to the other side, while the buses go on barges. We stopped for about five minutes to use the washrooms, and by the time we made it to the other side, our bus had left without us! And I mean, we had signed the register and everything, so it's not like they didn't know they were missing people! Fortunately, we are such intrepid travelers that this didn't dismay us - we just hailed a taxi, who drove us the remaining 50 minutes to Copacabana for the equivalent of $1.50 per person. Not a problem!

Hope you all are having a great Christmas season, and doing something fun for New Year's Eve!
Lots of love,


Anonymous said...

So, I'm assuming none of you had left any bags on the bus or did you have to find them too later?
Glad you got to have a holiday and that your return trip to Copacabana was even better than your memories.
Happy New Year Rachael :)
xo Beth

Daniel said...

Glad you all have the travel savvy to not completely freak out when something like that happens. It's looking a lot nicer there than what I expect from Toronto in a few days when I get back to school! Last I heard was snowing and -22 with wind chill factored in.