Dear Everyone,
So, this Monday and Tuesday were Carnaval down here, and in order to avoid getting a severe wetting from the water-balloon-wielding male population of La Paz, I went to Chile with some friends! We went to the coast town of Arica, and seven of us stayed in a little condo by the beach.
Highlights of the weekend: lying on the beach reading a book; eating gelato under a palm tree on an extremely sunny and hot afternoon; seeing a McDonald's again; and lying under the stars at night, listening to the waves coming crashing into the sand.
On Valentine's Day, which to our surprise they do actually celebrate in Chile, all seven of us got dressed up and went into the town to find someplace festive to eat. We were having no luck, but then a sidewalk recruiter told us to follow him, and we went down a side street and found ourselves in the cutest little restaurant, all decorated up for the holiday! We had such a good time, and took more photos than was strictly necessary.
That's about all for now; more about Chile in my next blog!
Love, Rachael
PS - Prayer Request: Although I felt a lot better, health-wise, in gorgeous sea-level Arica, now that I'm back home I'm suffering from altitude sickness. Plus, my cold still will not go away. If you could pray for my health, that would be so wonderful.
Loved your e-mail, but will write back later:) I got some hours at the Cridge today (a good thing), and am hanging out with Shirley and a lady from my program at UVIC this morning. Fun times!
Sorry to hear about the health drama...its sounding fairly wretched, and no, I never got sick like you because of the altitude (if you recall, you spent more time quality time with the oxygen tank, and I with the toilet)...Oh the joys of missionary life:) Hang in their chica. Miss you.
hey rachael, a cowroker of mine told me that a mixture of hot milk and tumeric works to get rid of colds because it is a natural antibiotic. it might be worth a try. i hope you start feeling better!
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