Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Bus Strike

Dear Friends and Family,

So, happy March to all of you! I usually have a dim view of the month of March, but this year it is my favourite! Shirley comes home in TWO DAYS, praise the Lord, and Matt and Katie arrive a week later. It's going to be a humdinger of a month!

Today, in the whole country of Bolivia, there is a transit strike. No public buses in cities, or between cities. Things are at a standstill. No school for Jeremy. No tutoring for me. No traveling. The reason: the bus driver unions are upset. There is a new law that was just put into effect, stating that if a driver has any level of alcohol in their blood, there are much more severe consequences than there used to be. Also, the unions are made more responsible for such behavior, and everyone in the union is punished as well. (Or something like that. The finer details sort of escape me).

So, there were rumours of a strike going around last night, and Jeremy was elated because it meant a temporary reprieve from his homework. We got the call from the school around 10:00 pm, so in consequence we all went to bed rather late and got up late, too.

It was supposed to be just a 2-day strike, but after listening to the news, it sounds like it might be indefinite until the striker's issues are dealt with. This is very unfortunate. Prayer would be appreciated.

In other news, I was at the Police station for hours yesterday, waiting in line and getting gratuitously inked for fingerprinting and talking to various people in various capacities. Long, long, long story short: on Friday a policeman will come to our home to make sure I really live here. And then, finally, I can go to Immigration and get my carnet renewed, and all this bureaucratic nightmare will be a thing of the past.

Love to everyone,


Daniel said...

All those rules about not driving after drinking. So troublesome! Back where I grew up, no bus strike / snow / alien invasion / plague could save me from school!

By the sounds of things you need to invent some sort of "bureaucracy bingo" where the players have to go through some overly complicated bureaucratic process and fill out their card as various mishaps occur. That way it's FUN for EVERYONE!

Aimee said...


I think we need to give Daniel an award for Funniest Blog Responder Ever. Seriously, his comments are almost as interesting as the blog itself.

Dang, bus driver strike...That really would cause mayhem, but I would imagine that dashing pedestrians feel safer in the Prado because vehicle traffic is cut down by 50%

I am jealous that you are getting Shirley back. But I know you and the Bolivian fam will be gratefully ecstatic.

Say hi to the men in the house...Love you lots, and miss you.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Aimee that Daniel should get an award for his responses!

So Shirley must be back :) You must all be very happy. Hopefully she adjusts to the altitude with minimal or better still no side affects.

Is the transit strike still on? It's inconvenient when that happens here in small town Victoria but so much more so for much of Bolivia's population where MANY depend on it.

The even bigger question is did the police officer actually show up to verify you're really living there?

Wishing you happy times of reunion this month!!
Stay well too,
xo Beth