Dear Everyone,
Well, I'm back! The twelve hours in Lima finally ended, and it wasn't so bad. There were unfortunately no quiet places to sleep, but I'm sure that if you added it all up I probably got about 2 hours of interrupted sleep, spread out over several airport chairs.
The flight from Lima to La Paz was short and sweet. We flew in over Lake Titicaca, and all of a sudden I was so struck by Bolivia again. This high up, everything is so clear and crisp, which I guess is because the air is so thin. We were flying over this gigantic, deep blue lake, and the surrounding land was so stark and bony and mostly void of vegetation, but it was so beautiful! The accompanying photos were taken from the plane window and therefore are not very high quality, but the impression I got as I looked down at the land was that we were flying over a perfect model of Bolivia, a to-scale model, and if the window would open I could reach down and touch it, and pick up these perfect miniature features. It was just beautiful, and so different.
And now I am back at the house, getting over altitude sickness. It hasn't been that bad, I just need to be careful. I'm drinking a lot of coca tea, and breathing a lot of oxygen, but even so I get tired really quickly, and headaches and nausea come upon me if I expend too much energy. But besides all that, I am so happy to be back. I guess I forgot how much I like Bolivia, how much I like this house! I can't wait until I'm feeling totally well again, and can take on this next year with gusto!
I should take it easy and probably go lie down again now, so I'll write more later on. Thanks to everyone for all your prayers!!
Love, Rachael
PS, BIG HUGE THANK YOU to the Wall family from Calgary, who had sent me a package and it was here waiting for me when I got in!! With Crayola markers, and letters and cards from the entire family! You guys are the best!!
Hey Rach,
Glad you made it safe and sound!
To bad you didn't get more sleep but I am glad you updated the blog! So cool
... are you sure it wasn't the coca tea you were missing? Just kidding! Glad you got there safely. There is something unique and amazing about looking down on the world we live in from a plane - I can't imagine what it would have been like for the first astronauts!
Jealous! Not gonna lie! Package from the Walls! Oh, be not downcast, oh my soul!!! Put your hope in God!
Hey love,
Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Your night in Lima sounded somewhat like my 17 hour layover in SanFran on the way back from Bolivia. Oh to attempt sleep on ill-designed airport chairs. Love you and miss you friend. Give the church peeps a big hug and Hola from me.
Us Victorians shall argue the title with you, but out of jealousy. Glad to hear you're breathing oxygen- wouldn't have it any other way.
love older/wiser.
Greetings Rach! Glad that you're there safe and sound. Lay low and breathe deeply...you'll be feeling your old self soon enough! Enjoying your updates. Take care,
Love, Aunt Wendy
Welcome back - great to read your blogs again. Have Jeremy or Carlos starting asking you to bake for them? Hopefully the altitude sickness won't linger for much longer. At least you know better this round how to handle it.
Looking forward to future news & photos.
xo Beth
I'm so glad you're glad to be back and feel like this is where you belong!!! Yay for living in the same country!!!
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